AutoHotKey Script – BreathX

Breathing exercises are techniques that focus on controlling and regulating your breath. People have been doing these things for centuries in different cultures, and they have numerous benefits on physical and mental well-being.

I won’t go into all the details about the benefits of breathing exercises, but here are a few links that’ll help you learn more about it:

You can find hundreds of desktop or mobile applications online which can help you to practice breathing exercises but I thought, why not build a rudimentary tool myself without any bells & whistles which will run on the bottom-right corner of my Windows desktop unobtrusively.

This basic tool will provide me basic inhale-hold-exhale indicators in the form of a progress bar. Given that I prefer AutoHotKey for these kinds of simple utility tools, I thought, why not utilize this scripting engine to build one? So here is the AutoHotKey script.

Script: AutoHotKey-BreathX

I kept the script as simple as possible. Sorry, I am still using AutoHotKey v1 version. I will probably upgrade it to v2 later.


Usage is self-explanatory. Run the script in the same manner as you would with any AutoHotKey script; the BreathX window will appear at the bottom-right corner of the screen. You can control the duration of inhale, hold, and exhale using the following variables (values are in milliseconds) in the script.


; Breathing Configs (in Millisecond)
inhaleDuration := 4000
pauseAfterInhale := 7000
exhaleDuration := 8000
pauseAfterExhale := 100
AutoHotKey – BreathX

Following are some popular breathing techniques:

2:1 Breathing

  • 4.0s Inhale
  • 8.0s Exhale

4-7-8 Breathing

  • 4.0s Inhale
  • 7.0s Pause
  • 8.0s Exhale
  • 0.0s Pause

Box Breathing

  • 4.0s Inhale
  • 4.0s Pause
  • 4.0s Exhale
  • 4.0s Pause

Coherent Breathing

  • 5.0s Inhale
  • 5.0s Exhale

Power Breathing

  • 2.0s Inhale
  • 2.0s Exhale

Change four config variables in the script accordingly.

I hope you will find this script useful.

Script: AutoHotKey-BreathX

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